All You Need To Know About Server Bandwidth
When it comes to creating a website or application, or to choosing a web host, there are some questions that you will need to ask to make sure that you have exactly what you need to share your website with the world. One of these questions asks exactly how much server bandwidth you will have access to, and will it be enough to support your site. If you’re not sure exactly what is meant by the phrase “server bandwidth”, then this post is for you.
What is server bandwidth?
Bandwidth is kind of like the internet: it’s important and you need it, but you can’t hold in in your hand or weigh it. So what is bandwidth exactly? Defined simply, bandwidth is the amount of data that you can move from your website to the site visitors who are attempting to view it.
Web hosting companies provide the bandwidth you need to send your information zooming around the internet. The quality and the amount of bandwidth provided typically depends on three data center variables: network, systems, and connections. The higher the quality of these three variables, the more responsive your website will be. The question is, how much bandwidth do web hosting companies provide and is it enough to meet your website requirements?
How much bandwidth do I need?
Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It would be great if we could give you a prescribed amount of bandwidth and guarantee your needs would be met. Instead, bandwidth is a bit like water usage in your home. There is a typical amount used each month. However, it changes depending on whether you have guests or if you are out of town for a portion of the time frame.
The amount of bandwidth you need depends on two factors: the size of your website and the number of website visitors. For example, if you have a large website full of images and applications, you will most likely need more bandwidth than a few pages of an online portfolio, or a contact us page for a brick and mortar business. Whether you have a large website or experience high levels of traffic, you will want to make sure that the web host you choose has reliable networks, connections, and services. For example, at Midphase, our data centers are Tier 1. This ensures that we only employ the highest level of infrastructure to meet your bandwidth requirements.
Monitor website traffic
Website traffic is constantly in flux. You most likely have a typical website count each month, but these numbers can change based on sales you may have for your online shop or social media popularity. It’s best to prepare for the day that your website goes viral and the whole world knows who you are, however, your budget may not account for paying for the additional requirements.
Instead, it is best to pay attention to what you are already using. Monitor your bandwidth usage and site speed, and look for patterns. If you feel like there are times you are missing out due to slow loading times, it may be worth upgrading your web hosting package or considering a cloud solution. However, while your website grows, you may be contented with a typical shared hosting package. For those who like hard data, you can find formulas that multiply your site visitors by your page size to give you an idea of what you to expect. Even with all of the research in the world, bandwidth is like many website elements where the best option is to test your options to find the best solution with the help of a trustworthy web host.