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How To Install WordPress Using Softaculous

This article will guide you through installing WordPress within your cPanel account.

Step 1: Log into your CHI account at

Step 2: Navigate to your cPanel.

Step 3: Scroll down to the “Software” section. Click on “Softaculous Apps Installer” to open the program.

*Softaculous is a program that helps you easily install various web applications including WordPress.

Step 4: Once in Softaculous, search for “WordPress”, then click on the “Install” button.

Step 5: Fill out the three sections, as seen below, within “Software Setup”.

Choose Protocol- From the dropdown bar select the protocol that works best for your website. If you have an SSL certificate already installed on your site, change this to “https://”. In most cases, leaving it as “http://” is fine.

Choose Domain- Select the domain you are installing WordPress on from the dropdown menu.

In Directory- Note that this step is very important. By choosing a directory, you are telling Softaculous if you want your WordPress installation installed within a subdirectory of your chosen domain or on the domain itself. If you want to be able to go to and see the WordPress site, then leave the field empty. By default, the field will have a “wp” within it. Simply delete the “wp”.

If you would like the WordPress installation in a subdirectory (example:, state which directory you would like it in. Softaculous will create the directory for you within the document root of your domain.

Step 6: Fill out the “Site Settings” section as seen below.

Site name- Give your website a title.

Site Description- Write a brief description or smaller subtitle for your website.

Enable Multisite- Only enable Multisite if you know that you need it. This is not common.

Step 7: Fill out the “Admin Account” section.

Admin Username- You may leave the username as Admin, although we suggest you change it to something meaningful to you for security reasons.

Admin Password- Create a very secure password to help keep your installation from being compromised.

Admin Email- Enter the email address that you would like your installation to use when contacting you.

Step 8: Select your preferred language from the dropdown language bar.

Step 9: Click the plus sign by“Advanced Options” and check the box to Limit Login Attempts

(1), change the database name (2) if desired, change the prefix (3) to not have wp and end this in an underscore, and check the boxes to Auto Upgrade, Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins, and Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes (4) unless you would prefer to do this manually through the WordPress Admin area or by using FTP.

Step 10: Select the “Theme” design that you would like to use for your WordPress website.

Step 11: Click “Install”.

If you have any questions during the installation process please feel free to contact our support teams through live chat or by submitting a ticket in your CHI dashboard. Our technical support team is available 24x7 to answer any questions you may have.

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