*This article applies to all CHI Shared Hosting and Reseller services.
This article was created to help you when uploading files to your hosting account. The easiest and most preferred method for uploading files to your website is to use an FTP Client. Follow the instructions below to complete this task.
Each FTP client is differently set up, but each should have the same basic configuration. The following steps will use FileZilla FTP Client, an open-source program.
Download FileZilla from the following link: https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client
Install the program on your computer.
Run FileZilla.
You will be using the Quickconnect feature in FileZilla as soon as the program opens. Fill in the following information at the top of the screen:
Host: Enter “ftp.[yourdomain].com”
Username: Enter your cPanel username
Password: Enter your cPanel password
Port: Leave this field blank
After filling in the information, click “Quickconnect.”
3. After connecting, you will want to double-click the "public_html/" or the "www/" folder. This is your root access point for your website and serves as the top level of importing any files. You will then drag the files that you want from the LEFT side of your screen to the RIGHT side of the screen. This should upload your site files.
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