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Reseller Account Migration Process

This guide will detail the process for Reseller's to migrate their end-user's accounts from WHM over to the new StackCP control panel.

  1. Login to CHI and navigate to

  2. Click the 'Migration' tab:

  3. This will open a page where you can see any in progress migrations and also start new migrations.

  4. To start a new migration you will need to input your WHM username and password, along with the hostname of the server where the accounts are hosted. Once this information has been inputted click 'Confirm Details'

  5. This will then pull a list of all the cPanel accounts you have on the cPanel server and allow you to start the migration.
    This may take a while depending on how many accounts you have as we need to fetch detailed stats about each account

  6. To initiate an account migration, click the 'Migrate' button next to the account you wish to migrate. This will take you to a new page where you can select the new package this account should have. Clicking the 'Show Features' button, will reveal detailed information about each package so you can determine which will suit your customers needs best.

  7. Once you have selected the relevant package ensure you have ticked the box to confirm "I understand once the migration has started this account cannot be used until it is completed.". This will then allow the 'Start Migration' button to be clicked, and this will then initiate the migration process of this specific cPanel account.

    Please be aware when clicking the 'Start Migration' button, this adds the account to the migration queue. Currently we process one 1 migration per server up to a maximum of 16 servers

  8. This will then take you back to the 'Reseller Migration' page, and the account will show a new 'Migration In Progress' status

  9. If there are any issues or errors in the migration process we will send an automated email to notify you. Our Support Team will also be notified so we can investigate the issues and assist with progressing the migration.

  10. Otherwise the migration should complete and the new account will be shown in the main reseller page. An email will also be sent to you to notify the migration is complete, and this will also provide you with the new account details.

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